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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Isn't is romantic?

So, someone left a comment in Portuguese on my last post. I'm sitting here wishing there was a sound card to read it to me because Portuguese is like the PRETTIEST language on the face of the's a combination between Spanish and French and Italian. I could sit and listen to it forever!!

I do speak Spanish rather fluently (at least read it) because I lived in Spain for 16 months as a missionary...even had roommates who spoke only I had to learn it. So, I could understand most of the comment...the Latin root words are all similar. He's really just advertising his little t-shirt business. But that's the beauty of Portuguese...he could be telling his dog to stop barking and it would still sound sexy.


Unknown said...

I had the same guy leave a comment on my blog about his tshirt business! Didn't know what language it was I know!

"Kreative Karma" said...

LOL! That's funny! Have you tried using Babelfish before???